Saturday, March 22, 2008

Day 14: Sibling

Barb posted:

Day 14, March 14th. Take a photo of one of your siblings doing something they love or a hobby they love. How did they get into this hobby or whatever it is? When did it start? Don’t have any siblings? Take a photo of one of your best friends.

I will be seeing my brother this week at the beach. I am sure I will be able to get a photo of him will he is reading or playing cards.

It was really easy to take this photo. My mom, brother, and I are all readers. None of us leave the house without a book in our possession. You never know when you might get stuck in traffic.

My brother, Gary, is reading a book by one of our favorite authors, Laurell K. Hamilton. She writes fantasy novels and they are great.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Yeah, that had to be an easy shot! A more difficult shot would have been one where he wasn't holding a book!